Day one Intro

We will have a brief introduction to each other and to me (Pete Hillman)
and then we are straight on with the first day learning website design and development.

Website creation

There is concensus that the creation of a professional web presence is one of the
key points in creating any online venture. (For attracting purchasers, future affiliate or drop ship suppliers etc…) Consistantly this ranks as one of the key stumbling blocks for new start ups to create and quickly manipulate a well designed website.

Well, there is no longer a need to outsource, lose control and become annoyed at the speed at which you can
adapt and change your website.

We will be covering:
Website design,
Eventbrite - Digital Nomad Workshop

Continued from email: Without the need to code we use the latest plugins to take the world’s most used content management system, wordpress, to new design levels. In real time you can watch and practice the creation of a website that a few years ago would have cost thousands of dollars.

This means you get real-world examples from real case studies and actually see the process done before you!

Instead of reading and the learning slowly by error we show you how we make sites using new page builders and offer real examples of how to realise your designs in a professional manner.

I have always said that if you can use Word then you can use wordpress and design a quality site that will show your product or service.

We also offer one years domain name and hosting within the course and guarantee that at the end of the week you will have a website online!  

Eventbrite - Digital Nomad Workshop

Sign up for the course here and save $100 off the regular price!