Day Four Intro

Over the years I have guided countless people on planes, trains and on foot through the mega cities of Africa and Asia and along to some of the highest mountains on earth.
I’m never failed to be impressed by the change that I see in people when they decide to travel and become open to the journey. Safety is the key for so many people when they come out and gain new experiences so I spend the day teaching what I know for people to travel to the various areas of the globe.
By learning proven strategies you can apply immediately, allows you to travel safely and without the long learning curve that can comes through many years experience on the road.
Continued from email:
we go over:
Trip prep – what is needed depending on the climate and the location/activity.
Country selection (depending on needs, season, goals)
Location selection depending environment (e.g. trekking in Ladakh only for 3-4 months of the year)
finances/budgets (needs not wants – A realistic look at the costs involved and how money
can be saved and utilized to enhance the trip and the journey.)
Equipment: Size content packing realistic requirements
Ticketing booking in advance (travel hacking) Tricks and solutions.
Visas and entry /exit requirements.
Itineray planning related to the country and the culture travelling though
Travel long term preparation and effects. (physical and mental demands and solutions to common issues that arise)
Health and safety. (Location specific needs and techniques to stay healthy while travelling and workeing remotely.)
Safety for females when arriving, departing, visting places of interest etc….
Transport and mobility options (getting in and out of transit hubs!)
Hotels hostels b&B’s co-sharing Home stays etc…. BEst mechanisms and deals!
Travel Psychology and preparation for new cultures:
The right mindset
The right actions
The right respect
The right travel technique relative to location/society.
Situation analysis and methods of control and de-escalating potential dangerous situations.
Country IT/Tech abilities and realistic working environments related to each discipline profession
(with examples: India, Egypt etc….)
Day on location: We will be spending much of the day out in the beautiful contryside
surrounding the Chiang Mai city. It will be a chance to get out and learn
in the environment. We will all be going out in cars to the cafes and wonderful
hotels that neighbour the area and I will be giving you a full days insight
into travel, my life and the things that you can expect on the road and working location independently!
We also offer one years domain name and hosting within the course and guarantee that at the end of the week you will have a website online!