Digital Nomad School

The workshop teaching you how to Live, Work and Travel almost anywhere.

WP percentage of web

Percentage of the Web

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed varius orci. In nulla ante, adipiscing ut nisi a, tristique tristique elit. Duis vel lacus nec arcu volutpat aliquet quis ac eros. In ac risus non magna pulvinar placerat sit amet eu mi. Integer sodales orci nibh, id porttitor nibh Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Sed sed varius orci. In nulla ante, adipiscing ut nisi a, tristique tristique elit. Duis vel lacus nec arcu volutpat aliquet quis ac eros. In ac risus non magna pulvinar placerat sit amet eu mi. Integer sodales orci nibh, id porttitor nibh

Our FREE report reveals this new lifestyle that allows you to travel and work in any location.

Don't rely on second hand digital experiences, Travel and create your own memories.

Pete Hillman

“Not all those who wander are lost.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien

Info Graphic

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed varius orci. In nulla ante, adipiscing ut nisi a, tristique tristique elit. Duis vel lacus nec arcu volutpat aliquet quis ac eros. In ac risus non magna pulvinar placerat sit amet eu mi. Integer sodales orci nibh, id porttitor nibh

WP percentage of web

Percentage of the Web

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed varius orci. In nulla ante, adipiscing ut nisi a, tristique tristique elit. Duis vel lacus nec arcu volutpat aliquet quis ac eros. In ac risus non magna pulvinar placerat sit amet eu mi. Integer sodales orci nibh, id porttitor nibh Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Sed sed varius orci. In nulla ante, adipiscing ut nisi a, tristique tristique elit. Duis vel lacus nec arcu volutpat aliquet quis ac eros. In ac risus non magna pulvinar placerat sit amet eu mi. Integer sodales orci nibh, id porttitor nibh

Platform Usage

We continue to see the same trends in how people are using WordPress. WordPress strictly as a CMS platform is more popular than ever and we are seeing WordPress as a blog and blog hybrid on a slightly downward slope. An interesting statistic for 2013 is a 7% usage of WordPress being used as an application platform, an aspect that aims to be emphasised in future updates. Duis vel lacus nec arcu volutpat aliquet quis ac eros. In ac risus non magna pulvinar placerat sit amet eu mi.

WP Platform usage

What will we learn

WordPress is being accessed primarily via the web. However, mobile phone and tablet usage has increased greatly over the last year along with a clear rise in desktop apps becoming a way to experience WordPress. In ac risus non magna pulvinar placerat sit amet eu mi. Integer sodales orci nibh, id porttitor nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed varius orci.

  • (Day 1) Create a professional website 20% 20%
  • (Day 2) Lean Canvas fast business planning 40% 40%
  • (Day 3) Ecommerce 60% 60%
  • (Day 4) Marketing, Advertising, (adwords, facebook) 80% 80%
  • (Day 5) Offshore corporations, bank accounts and Tax 100% 100%

Have Your Heard of WordPress?

29.3% Say YES

29 percent
WP Downloads per Year

“Don’t rely on second hand digital experiences, Travel and create your own memories.”

Pete Hillman

WP Downloads Per Day
WP Downloads Per Hour
WP Downloads Per Minute

Don't rely on second hand digital experiences, Travel and create your own memories.

Pete Hillman


What will I get after completing your course?


Feature One

Be able to create and run a successful online business from anywhere in the world.

Feature One

Be able to design, update, maintain and Secure a professional website without the need for costly developers.

Feature One

how to live a free life travelling the globe from limitless locations.

Feature One

Learned great knowledge and connected with experienced travelers, creatives, entrepreneurs who have been location independent for decades and accelerate your online business success.

Feature One

WordPress Three.8 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed varius orci. In nulla ante, adipiscing ut nisi a, tristique tristique elit. Duis vel lacus nec arcu volutpat aliquet quis ac eros. In ac risus non magna pulvinar placerat sit amet eu mi. Integer so

Feature One

WordPress Three.8 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed varius orci. In nulla ante, adipiscing ut nisi a, tristique tristique elit. Duis vel lacus nec arcu volutpat aliquet quis ac eros. In ac risus non magna pulvinar placerat sit amet eu mi. Integer so

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