Digital Nomad Workshop
The workshop teaching you how to Live, Work and Travel almost anywhere.

Our FREE report reveals this new lifestyle that allows you to travel and work in any location.
Don't rely on second hand digital experiences. Travel, Work Online and create your own memories.
Pete Hillman
Benefits from completing the course:
Location Independence
Be able to create and run a successful online business from anywhere in the world using the skills and knowledge we teach.
Professional Website
Be able to design, update, maintain and Secure a professional website without the need for costly developers and without knowledge of code or programming.
Travel Knowledge
How to live a free life travelling the globe working from limitless locations safely while respecting local cultures.
Quickly accelerate your online business success by connecting with experienced travellers, creatives and entrepreneurs who have been location independent for decades .
Have the confidence and knowledge to travel to more distant lands having learned techniques and methods for safe adventures.
Learn valuable skills in a supportive environment with the right people and resources to iterate fast. Have experienced teachers around you so that you can adapt your life to an exciting new location independent lifestyle.
The Digital Nomad Workshop
Travel the world
Travel and work anywhere. Design the lifestyle that you have always wanted and learn from people living it now!
Accelerated Learning
Learn how to rapidly research, develop and create your online business from experienced entrepreneurs.
Learn how to live a free life travelling the globe, working from limitless locations.
Digital Nomad Community
Gain confidence, share ideas and test your projects within our community of Digital Nomads

“Startups that succeed are those that manage to iterate enough times before running out of resources.”
― Ash Maurya (lean canvas creator)What they are saying:
“Being an entrepreneur and traveling around the world is a dream come true! When we bootstrapped our start-up in Chiang Mai, Pete’s guidance and technical advice was invaluable. If you are thinking of becoming a digital nomad – Pete & the Digital Nomad Workhop is the best place to begin! “
James & Cynthia (SA)
“Pete is insanely knowledgeable and easy to get along with. After going to my first of several of his presentations, I realised he knows quite a bit about travel and online business creation. He simplified a number of processes I’d been misunderstanding for years, and made running my sites infinitely easier.”
James Schipper (USA)
“Pete is a natural traveller: curious, open-minded, adventurous, patient and kind. As I got to know him, I was able to draw on his knowledge and infectious enthusiasm to make my travelling dreams a reality. He has been a true inspiration in helping me explore this wonderful world of ours.”
Steve Jack (UK)
“It was Fantastic meeting Pete in Chiang Mai, hearing stories from his decades of travel, and learning more about online business from him! Lucky I had the opportunity to record one of our chats for our Walking the earth podcast too!”
Michael Margolies (USA)
Who is Pete Hillman? (founder)
With over 31 years solo travel, 25 years of adventure travel guiding Pete Hillman has been fortunate enough to spend over two thirds of his life on the road. Combined with 23 years online, web-designing and teaching, he offers a degree of experience that is ideal for the life of the Location independent lifestyle.
“I believe that I have the experience and knowledge that can not only accelerate your learning towards a new lifestyle, but also help you avoid the potential bottlenecks that exist both online and when seeking out places to work and develop your ideas.”

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
― Confucious- (Day 1) Create a Professional website (free domain name and hosting) 20%
- (Day 2) Lean Canvas fast business planning 40%
- (Day 3) Ecommerce – Marketing, Advertising, (adwords, facebook) 60%
- (Day 4) Location Independence Lifestyle Design Guide 80%
- (Day 5) Offshore Corporations, bank accounts and Tax 100%
What is a digital Nomad?
Digital nomads are individuals who leverage telecommunications technologies to perform their work duties, and more generally conduct their lifestyle in a nomadic manner across the world. (from wiki p)
Are many people becoming Digital Nomads?
Over the last 5 years we have seen a major shift in the ideas of IT workers and entrepreneaurs as to the quality of life they need and locations that they want to work from. The internet has brought new opportunites and thousands of people are finding new freedom traveling and working online remotely.
Why should I learn from you?
With over 2 decades of creating websites and over 30 years travelling I have the experience and the knowledge that can accelerate your learning and create your online business.
Why not another course?
There are new resources on the web and community based sites but there is nothing like DNW. You cannot learn to drive a car reading a book and there can never be any substitute for face to face tuition for quality and speed of learning.
Why only Ten People on the course?
Over the years of teaching and guiding I have realised that the quality drops off when there is over a certain number of people. To offer real value and quality tuition I am currntly only allowing ten people on the course. Ten people, five days, under the holiest mountain in Thailand. Start ups, bootstrappers, entrepreneurs and travellers all gathered to learn fast and share insights and create a new lifestyle
What age do I need to be?
I have taught people from the ages of 17 to 70. There is no age limit or demographic requirement to learn to become location independent. The life is open to all irrespective of age.
Do I need previous skills and experience?
No skills are needed other than passion to learn and create a new lifestyle using the web as a basis. From startups to lifestyle guru’s the web offers an almost limitless number of niches to communicate and work in. Most folk who have a basic understanding of how to use the browser and have a real passion to share their vision with others will thrive on this course.
Do I need a product, a service or a business already?
Although there is no need to bring a completed idea,(we will walk you through the whole design, viablitly and implementation,) it would be an enriched experience if you had an idea or a model that you would like to base your new online work or business on.
Where are the workshops held ?
The workshops will be taking place beginning fall 2015 in Thailand. Why Thailand? Thailand is the premiere destination for travelers and people seeking freedom to work on their ideas. Chiang Mai is a real hub for co-working spaces and consistantly ranks as one of the top destinations for people to work on their ideas and lifestyle design.
What about a place to stay?
Don’t worry we will assist you. Chiang Mai is one of the fastest growing cities in South East Asia and Thailand has one of the highest standards of hotels and economical apartment rentals in the world. You will have no problem finding a good place to stay.